November 15th - 8th Grade Treat

Our 8th grade class will be treated to a special treat at lunch!


November 15th - 2nd Annual Family Musical Bingo

We are excited to bring you our 2nd musical bingo event on Friday, November 15th from 6-8pm in the cafeteria...Family Musical Bingo! 



Please select the RSVP button first and indicate the number of people in your party. If you would like to pre-order food in addition to your RSVP, then select your meal kit option second. Food purchase is optional. 


Please RSVP here:


Join us as DJ Ross plays tunes to sing along with while playing bingo with the opportunity to win prizes.   This is a family event, not a drop off. All students attending must have an adult with them.


We encourage those of you who can walk/bike to please do so as parking will be limited. Capacity is limited therefore RSVP is required for admission.


If you would like to volunteer or you have a teen that would like to volunteer for service hours, please sign up here:


December 2-6 Wonderland Holiday Shop

The PTO is so excited to bring a Holiday Shop to POA this year! Your Charger will be able to shop for their loved ones right here on campus during school hours.


The shop will be open from December 2nd through December 6th. It will be a great way for students to gain the experience of budgeting their money for their chosen purchases and feel the excitement of giving to others this holiday season. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up here.




What are the payment options? Cash or pre-paid Wonderland gift cards (only) will be accepted 

Gift Cards - you can purchase a gift card for your child to use during their shopping trip. Here is the link to purchase: 

Note: gift card balances are non-refundable. They can be used entirely, or the balance will remain and can be used in the future at the Wonderland gift shop. 


When will my child get to shop? All Elementary classes will be scheduled for a 30 minute shopping time slot per their teacher. 

Middle School students are welcome to shop before school, 8-8:20, or during their lunchtime. Middle School will not have a designated shopping time slot. 


What if my child is absent when their class shops? If your child is absent during their scheduled class shopping time, their teacher can send them to shop at an alternative time during the week. 


My child's shopping time is at the end of the week, will there still be inventory? Yes, the Wonderland shop will re-stock items daily. There is always a chance something could run out from the warehouse, but overall things should be well stocked.