What is the PTO?

The Parent Teacher Organization, or PTO, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that exists to fund and organize projects that benefit the school.


What does it mean to join the PTO?

Becoming a PTO member is a financial donation that directly benefits the school. It does not require your time commitment. We are, however, run by all volunteers, so if you have the ability or interest in sharing any amount of time, we truly appreciate it. 


Why join the PTO?

1.  PTO funded school events, like family socials and school dances, create memories that will last a lifetime, while fostering a strong sense of community.
2.  PTO funded school enhancements, such as library books, playground equipment, and access to technology, provide our children additional opportunities to thrive.
3.  It’s fun, easy, and helps you become part of the community.

 Join the PTO!